Friday, April 13, 2012

Meet Agatha.

Have you met Agatha?

She is my super cool Singer sewing machine that was built SIXTY YEARS AGO.

Yeah, she's kind of a big deal.

I learned to sew on my Mama's 1970's Singer, but that baby was nothing compared to Agatha.

And while she doesn't have a walking foot or a bunch of fancy accessories or even a zigzag stitch, I love sewing on her. Making quilts with the sewing machine that my husband's grandmother (the original and only other owner) gave me is super fierce.

Also, for being sixty years old, Agatha is quite the looker. My friend D took some photos of her awhile back, and he's posted them on his photo site. Go take a look!


  1. I've gotten comments from my mom, dad, and grandparents that they've all sewn on machines like Agatha.

    (Apparently my dad used to make puppets until someone told him that boys didn't play with sewing machines, which I think is complete bollocks.)

    1. That's awesome! And agreed! Bollocks. I hope both my boys know how to work a sewing machine. (It seems like such a handy skill to have on hand.)

  2. She's a beauty! I have sewing machine envy. :)

    (I also agree with D that it's complete bollocks that boys don't sew. Bollocks and knickers!)

    1. Agatha just inspires envy. Of course, it helps that those photos make her look super hot. (I still cannot believe they were taken in my home.)

    2. "Bollocks" is my new favorite word. I think the above was the first time I've used it in a serious context, but I'm hoping to work it into my vocabulary.

  3. Agatha is hawt! *swoons*

    It took me a while to comment because I was using my own automated high-speed textile joinery tool (aka 'sewing machine') named Seymour to make fierce bags for the craft show.

    My mom got a Singer sewing machine in the 60s for a wedding present, and she still uses it nearly every day. Never been in for service.

    1. You will be showing me these fierce bags at our next show and share, right?

      Those Singers are crazy! I took Agatha in to get cleaned when I first received her, and it was the first time she has ever been in for service. I couldn't believe it!


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