Thursday, January 30, 2014

Back Home from Home.

Oh, Friends. It's so bittersweet to be back home from home. Sure, I have my husband, and my house, and my normal daily routine, and that is 100% awesomeness. But I've also left behind a ton of people that I absolutely adore and gained some freakishly cold temperatures. It's what it is, I suppose, and I'm thankful for the two weeks I had.

This was the morning view from the house at which we stayed. And yes, I saw this view *every* morning as my boys were always up at the crack of dawn.

There was a lot of delicious food, but this was probably my favorite meal. My daddy is an amazing cook--owned restaurants for 10+ years and was in the restaurant business for over 30--and we made a deal. I would come over and do his bookkeeping if he fed me well. He did. And nine hours later, his bookkeeping was done too.

And since I couldn't exactly bring Agatha with me, I started a Woodland Sampler. I wanted to try linen, but I couldn't find any in the right size and color. Actually, I couldn't even find aida in the right size and color, so I went with an off-white. It's not dark enough, certainly, but it will do. The moral of the story is that it is hard to find proper cross stitch supplies, even the right embroidery thread. I had planned to go in order of month, but I couldn't find the thread I needed for February, so I sewed up March first. It's been years since I've cross stitched, and I had been ogling the Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery's shop for what seemed like ages, so I'm glad I started up again.

Since I've been home, I've done some cutting for K's project, but I've mostly been unpacking and grocery shopping. I've been home less than 24 hours, so I think that's okay, right?

1 comment:

  1. Home 24 hours!! You shouldn't even be up to grocery shopping yet. I'm normally crashed out on my bed just revelling being HOME. Althoguh I think I'd be happy to stay away with that food and those views.
    E xx


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