Tuesday, January 14, 2014


This 28" square represents ten hours of my life. Actually, more, if you count the time it took me to pull fabric and cut out templates and make design choices. Maybe ten point five? Eleven? Twelve?

Normally, that many hours spent on such a small square might make me a little grumpy, but to be honest, it didn't feel that long. Those hours were with it. Every seam rip was worth it. (And there was a lot of seam ripping.)

I'm going to be in and out for the next couple of weeks because my mama is getting married, and I'll get to see both of my sisters, which means I'll also get to meet my cute baby niece! You all know how much I adore you, but you just can't compete with a new squishy cuddly baby.


  1. Holy amaze-balls! This is awesome! I love the colors, the pattern, all of it. :) Great job! And yay for getting to see your family!

  2. Great work. I made a New York Beauty block once so I can appreciate how much work this is. You should be proud!

    1. Thanks! I totally didn't expect them to take that long! The first one, sure, but I expected after I'd made a couple that I'd start to pick up speed, but nope. Each quadrant took about two hours each. It really made me look different at NYB quilts that have tons of quadrants! :)

  3. Audrey, this is so gorgeous! I can't believe you did it so fast (yes, I am voting that 10 hours to complete all that piecing is fast). Now go and enjoy squishy baby cuddles!
    E xx

  4. 10 hours? That sounds fast for a block like that! Love the border. Enjoy your family time!

    1. Hahaha. Nice. You know, the crazy thing is that it was ten hours...but it didn't feel like ten hours. I think probably because I worked on it over a period of a week or so, just a little every day, but I was having so much fun, I didn't really notice! :)

  5. Have fun with your family!

  6. That is a really cool one! And pretty fast for how complex it looks.

  7. YUM! Is right...I always stop by to get inspired by your "color combining talent"...LOVE IT!


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